Annotated Bibliography

Sources used in this website

Baum, K., Catalano, S., Rand. M, & Rose, K. (2009). Stalking Victimization in the United States. Washington D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Institute of Justice, NCJ 224527.

The authors of this report were three members of the Bureau of Justice statistics and one member of the National Institute of Justice. This is a special report, jointly sponsored by both agencies, that details a number of findings related to stalking from the National Crime Victimization Survey. The report contains statistics on stalking victimization as well as a discussion on their implications. Some of the key findings of the report were that 3.4 million people were victims of stalking in 2006, stalking is primarily intraracial in nature, and the risk of stalking was highest for divorced or separated women. This study provided a number of statistics related to stalking that were put on the Statistics page. The article focused  only on the findings of the study and could have benefited immensely from a discussion related to what those findings mean and how they can be used to improve the problem of stalking victimization in America.

Frieze, I.H. and Davis, K. (2002) Perspectives on Stalking Research. In Davis, K.E., Frieze, I.H., Maiuro, R.D. (Eds). Stalking: Perspectives on Victims and Perpetrators (pp.1-6)New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Stalking: Perspectives on Victims and Perpetrators is a book entirely about stalking research. It has a collection of various articles by stalking researchers. The article used, Perspectives on Stalking Research, is completely about what researchers think about stalking. The source was used to help define stalking and there are some stalking statistics used from this source. This source would have been more helpful if it had a clearer definitions of stalking and more statistics of stalking.

Johnson, M.C., & Kercher, G.A. (2008). Identifying Predictors of Negative Psychological Reactions to Stalking    
Victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24, 866-882.

The two authors of the article Identifying Predictors of Negative Psychological Reactions to Stalking Victimization set out to investigate why people react to stalking with fear, depression, and anger. First, the authors identified distinct subgroups of stalking victims based on measures of psychological problems that resulted from them being stalked. They then looked into the influence of demographic and stalking-related variables and how they affected subgroup membership. The results found that females who had been involved in a relationship with their stalker, were divorced or separated, and received government aid were most likely to experience negative reactions. This source was used to describe the negative effect that stalking has on a victim's social ties, which was one of the negative outcomes identified. This source could have been more useful if it had focused more on the negative sociological outcomes of being stalked because there has already been a substantial amount of research focusing on the negative psychological outcomes.

Logan, TK., Shannon, L., Cole, J., & Swanberg, J. (2007). Partner Stalking and Implications for Women's Employment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22, 268-291.

The four authors of the article Partner Stalking and Implications for Women's Employment designed their study to investigate how the employment status and performance of females is affected when they are stalked by their partners. The study used two samples groups. The first was composed of 482 employed women who had received a protective order against a violent partner. Half of the women had  been stalked by that partner, and half had not. The second group of 62 employed women were examined for qualitative information about being stalked by their partner. The results of both studies found that women who were stalked by a violent partner were much more likely to experience harassment on the job, work disruption, and performance problems compared to women who were not stalked by their violent partner. This study was used to describe how women's employment is affected by being stalked on the Sociological Effects on Women page.This article was significantly better than the article used from the Journal of Interpersonal Violence (see Johnson, M.C., & Kercher, G.A.) in that it focused on an important sociological issue that results from women being stalked; however, both samples of women that this study used were from Kentucky. A nationally-representative sample of women would have led to more authoritative results.

McFarlane, J.M., Campbell, J.C., Wilt, S., Sachs, C.J., Ulrich, Y., & Xu, X. (1999). Stalking and Intimate Partner Femicide. Homicide Studies, 3(4), 300-316.

The six authors of the article Stalking and Intimate Partner Femicide designed their study to examine the relationship between women being stalked by an intimate partner and being murdered by that partner. An 18-item stalking inventory, personal interviews with victims of attempted femicide, and personal interview with close relations of victims of femicide were used as the basis of their study. In total, one hundred and forty-one actual femicides and 65 attempted femicides were evaluated. The results found a statistically significant relationship between stalking and lethal/near lethal violence against women. This study was used to show the percentage of femicides related to stalking on the Statistics page. Although the article contained some discussion on the implications of the results, the discussion was entirely academic and could have benefited from the addition of discussion about how the results could be used to improve the situation for women being stalked by their partners.

Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M., Purcell, R. (2001) Stalking: New constructions of human behavior. Australian and New Zealand of Psychiatry. 35, 9-16. 

In this article, Stalking: New constructions of human behavior, researchers examine why stalking has become a major social problem and why it should be of concern for mental health professionals. This article focuses on the emergence of stalking all around the english-speaking world. The part in particular that was used from this source were the five categories of stalking and descriptions of those categories. This source may be more helpful if a similar article were written specifically for the United States and not looking at the entire English-speaking world. 

"National Center for Victims of Crimes ". Stalking Resource Center. Retrieved December 4, 2009.

The National Center for Victims of Crime has a website in which it describes safety plans that can be taken by victims who are being stalked.  In addition, it includes safety tips for victims, their families, and their friends, as well as, laws, newsletters, stalking in the news, and even has information in Spanish.  Also, it has advocates that can be contacted and statistics on stalking. The website also includes the history on the Violence against Women Act of 1994, and has brochures that can be downloaded for free.  The National Center for Victims of Crime’s website information was used for safety tips and plans that victims can use if their lives are in immediate danger and every day safety.  Also, it was used to explain how technology can be used by stalkers and work against victims.  In addition, it was used to describe what victims can do if their computers and/or cars have had tracking devices attached by the stalker.  The website could be improved if they broke down stalking by city and/or states to give a better understanding of high risk areas in the countries. Also, a number that was listed on the website was not a 24 hour hotline, so additional hotlines could have been added. Overall, the website was extremely helpful and beneficial to victims, prosecutors, and law enforcement. 

The Family and Intimate Relationships: Violence in Intimate Relationships. In Kramer, L. (2005) The Sociology of Gender: A Brief Introduction. (2nd Ed.) (pp. 105). Roxbury: California.

This chapter of this book is about various adaptations that families and couples have made in the past couple of decades. The section of the source that was used is about violence in intimate relationships. The information that was used was a specific definition of stalking and some common information about stalking. This source could have been more helpful if it simply had more information about stalking. The section was only a paragraph long. 

Tjaden, P., & Thoennes, N. (1998). Stalking in America: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey. Washington D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Institute of Justice, NCJ 169592.

This research brief is a detailed report of the findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey done in 1998. This survey was conducted to answer some fundamental questions about stalking that have never been asked. The brief begins with general facts about stalking, then the results from the survey are stated and analyzed. The source was used for information on the Violence Against Women survey, more definitions of stalking, and a number of statistics related to stalking. This source was very helpful, but there should be an updated survey conducted in order to create another one of these briefs. This is important to have the most up-to-date information about stalking possible.